Thursday, 18 August 2011


Just like life, hunger is evident everywhere. Hunger comes in many ways. This depends on whether it is the physical deprivement of food or emotional or psychological. Hunger can be viewed in different dimensions depending on the drive behind that particular hunger. The yearning for food is the most and the commonest hunger we know of. Beside that there is the hunger for other material things this world can offer. These material things can range from money to owning alot of property. There is the other hunger which is said to be of ancient origin but now it was also predicted in the Holy Scriptures as a characteristic of the modern man. This is the intellectual hunger. The hunger to know more. the hunger for knowledge. the hunger to be a step ahead or above one's peers. this should not be confused with the search for wisdom. the search for wisdom is more noble than this. it is there for the few who are ready to use the acquired knowledge to put it into better use for the betterment of themselves and everyone else. the use of knowledge for selfish personal gain is what is reffered to as GREED. Greed is never satisfied. most of the knowledge we seek is usually around us. this is in the form of human resources, beginning with ourselves. then the people around us froom parents, relatives, friends, teachers and even every other stranger we get to meet on thhe way each day.

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